Iwaki Museum Of Picture Books For Children

 ¿Qué ver en Iwaki museum of picture books for children, Prefectura de fukushima?

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The Iwaki Museum Of Picture Books For Children is located in the Fukushima Prefecture of Japan. The museum showcases a collection of picture books from around the world, with a focus on Japanese authors and illustrators. The museum also offers various workshops and events for children.

The museum is open from 9:30am to 5pm, Tuesday through Sunday. Admission for adults is 500 yen, and for children is 200 yen.

The official website for the museum is https://www.iwaki-mbp.jp/english/.

Nearby attractions include the Iwaki City Art Museum and the Iwaki Yumoto Onsen hot springs. The art museum is open from 9am to 5pm, Tuesday through Sunday, and admission is 310 yen for adults and 100 yen for children. The hot springs are open 24 hours a day and offer various bathing options and relaxation facilities.

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